Thousands of realtor logos choices - Make one in minutes!

Real Estate Logo

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  • 1) Enter Logo Text
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  • 2) Choose a Design
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  • 4) Save & Download
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Create Real Estate Logos that Distinguish Your Brand

A strong logo has quickly become the cornerstone of any successful business and a necessity for the real estate industry. Through a unique combination of colors Opens a new window, fonts and graphics, you can easily create a memorable design that makes a lasting impression on a wide range of individual and corporate buyers, separating your firm from competitors, regardless of its size.

Selling real estate is about far more than just providing the standard MLS listings. Although the right property is essential, you’re also selling a level of specialization that will enable the buyer to get the best price within their range. As a result, there are a few subtle differences that make real estate logos unique among other businesses, in particular the level of formality that is often used.

The most successful real estate firms are traditionally those with a track record of success and an expansive collection of resources and expertise that, together, ease the purchase process for the buyer. For this reason, many real estate companies shape their brand around a formal approach and are increasingly relying on a strong logo as the anchor for their brand identity.

Five Ideas for Designing Strong Real Estate Logos

With the concepts of specialization and formality in mind, here are a few ideas for shaping a memorable real estate logo Opens a new window for your business:

1. Remember that it’s mostly NOT about you

When scouring the web for listings, buyers are primarily looking for one thing: property. Few are actually looking for an agent (a figure that’s as low as 5 percent according to some reports). So when crafting your real estate logo, keep in mind that imagery and slogans related to property and the steps toward acquisition will always win over something that’s focused solely on your company.

Real Estate Logo

2. Select images that coincide with your services

When real estate logos are mentioned, it’s almost impossible to not think about buildings, rooftops and the outline of a home or ‘For Sale’ sign. And for good reason. These images are an easy way to quickly impart the exact nature of the services you provide. In addition, most home buyers and sellers are now seeking real estate professionals who go the extra mile, including assistance with comparable listings, paperwork and price negotiation. These factors can all be used to shape a unique logo that accurately represents the whole of your service offerings. For example, do you assist with financing and mortgage? Do you specialize in contingency negotiation? By combining images and text from different disciplines, you can create a comprehensive logo Opens a new window that quickly sets you apart from other firms.

Real Estate Logo

3. Design to characterize your area and niche

Design is one of the primary factors that can get you noticed in the marketplace. Real estate logos will often highlight the name of the company with a complementary color combination Opens a new window that coincides with the graphics. Make sure not to use anything too bold unless you intend that element to stand out above the rest. In addition, many firms select images that reflect the geographical features of their area, with desert imagery, rolling hills and symbols of the ocean being common in respect to those locales. Other popular niche themes include: for sale by owner, second homes and vacation properties, condominiums, baby boomers, unmarried individuals, luxury properties and the Hispanic market. If you cater to one or more of these, make sure your logo represents that fact.

Real Estate Logo

4. Choose colors and text that impart knowledge and experience

Color is often the first thing someone will notice about your logo. And in a real estate logo, these colors should adhere to the type of property sold. If you’re selling real estate near the beach, bright blues, yellows and similar colors would be appropriate. But if you deal primarily in corporate or industrial properties, darker shades of gray, navy blue and conservative tones will probably work best. When picking fonts, go with something that’s clean, easy to read and representative of your services. In general, sans serif fonts, like Arial, are considered trendier while serif fonts, like Times New Roman, impart a more traditionally conservative image.

Real Estate Logo

5. Fun but professional

From specific images to the fonts you select, make sure each element in your realtor logo is an accurate representation of your business. After all, you are providing professional services. So think ‘business casual’. You don’t want to appear too stuffy. But at the same time, you don’t want your realtor logo to give the impression that you’re someone who shows up to a business meeting in board shorts and flip-flops.

Real Estate Logo