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Your Domain Name Search Starts Here

Try Our Instant Domain Name Registration & Search Tool

Need help with a unique domain name? Email our support team [email protected]

Why Choose FreeLogoServices For Your Domain Name Registration?

Free & Easy Tools

Our free domain name search tool instantly displays 10+ custom results based on your search

Seamless Website Integration

Link your new domain name to a custom website to get your business online fast.

Customer Support

Our award winning customer support staff is here to help with your domain registration

Want to learn more about Domain Names? Here are some FAQs:

  • What is a domain name?

    When the internet was first created, domain names did not exist. IP addresses (a series of numbers specific to where you are accessing the internet from) were the way to find a webpage. Imagine trying to remember a series of numbers to get to your favorite sites. It’s like trying to call your friend without looking them up in your Contacts List. Just like how you can search for your friends by name in your phone instead of memorizing their phone number, domain names were created to make the experience more human and user friendly.
  • How do I choose the perfect domain name?

    Picking the right domain name is an important part of creating your website and starting your business. You need to choose a domain name that is unique, since no two domain names can be the same. You also want to make sure your business name is available. We suggest verifying availability using a service like MyCorporations Business Name Search.

    Your domain name should also be informative, so that search engines and visitors quickly know what your business does and what your website is for. Once you’ve decided on a particular domain name, you can use our domain search tool to check domain name availability. If your domain name is not available, we offer suggestions based on your selection.
  • How do I buy my domain?

    Buying a domain name is very simple with our services. Just use the domain name search to pick a domain name. If you have one in mind, the domain search tool can check domain name availability and suggest other domain names if yours is not available. Once you’ve chosen a domain name to purchase, you will be prompted to pick a website template and then checkout with your payment information. When you buy a domain name, this does not automatically activate or publish a website. However, our website package includes domain hosting along with your website.
  • How do I transfer my current domain?

    If you already have a domain name and would like to use our domain hosting and website design tools, we make it easy to transfer your domain name. Our domain name search gives you the option to enter a domain name you’ve already purchased and registered, or you can contact our customer support team to assist in transferring your domain to us.
  • How do I link my domain to a website?

    When you purchase a website package with us, your domain name is automatically linked to your website. Typically, when you buy a domain name it doesn’t automatically activate a website, but our tool not only includes the activation of a website, but also offers easy tools to help you set up a professional looking website. If you choose to use a different domain hosting service, you can email our customer service team and they will help you transfer it.
Need help? Contact our Customer Support team at [email protected]