Create your Photography Logo Design

Thousands of photography logo ideas with our free logo maker

Photography Logo

Why Use FreeLogoServices

  • Trusted - Used by more than 100,000 satisfied customers
  • Quality - We use award winning professional logo designers
  • Easy & Fast - Simple 3 step design process that takes minutes
  • Try It Free - Customize a free logo design & pay $40.00 for unlimited use
  • Large Selection - Choose from 1000's of graphics and types of free logos

How It Works

  • 1) Enter Logo Text
    Enter the text you would like in your logo
  • 2) Choose a Design
    Browse 1000's of graphics & types of free logos by industry
  • 3) Customize Your Logo
    Select colors, text, etc. for your logo
  • 4) Save & Download
    Save your logo. For unlimited use purchase the source files for $40.00

Framing your brand with captivating photography logos

According to recent statistics provided by Google Trends, the concept of “saving money” has continued to be a dominant consideration among consumers across the world. And unfortunately, photographers have not been exempt from this penny-pinching mentality – even when it comes to major events like weddings, bar mitzvahs and anniversaries or the more specialty fields of photography like wildlife, urban/industrial and even stock images.

Among the ways successful freelance photographers have found to cope with this trend include: establishing a specialized niche for their work and delivering higher levels of value through enhanced customer service. But in order to effectively compete with the countless other shutterbugs vying for the same events and subjects, many professionals have turned to personal branding Opens a new window and, specifically, a unique photography logo.

Narrowing the panorama with professional photography logos

Whether you specialize in weddings or are camped out to get a shot of the elusive Beck’s petrel (a rare bird), the backbone of every good marketing initiative, PR campaign and website development is building the brand around a simple yet memorable image.

As a photographer, you may assume you can simply use one of your images, right? Not necessarily. Here are four photography logo ideas to keep in mind:

1. Present your specialty

Start by listing the words that describe your business. What kind of photography do you specialize in? Artsy? Black and white? Aerial? Then list words related to your customer? Who are they? What do they expect from your services? This list will give you a solid framework for choosing fonts, graphics and developing a tag line Opens a new window.

Photography Logo

2. Stick to a solid color

Though your completed logo doesn’t necessarily have to be one color, it should be easy to convert to a solid color (or even black and white if necessary). In doing so, you’ll be able to use it in print mediums where color may either be unavailable or too costly.

Photography Logo

3. Make it attractive

Here’s a great place to recruit friends, family and even trusted clients. Always attempting to keep it as clean as possible Opens a new window, photography logos should be both memorable and appealing to the eye, striking a balance between text and art. This is exponentially more important for photographers as your services are built around quality images. And a photography logo that looks anything less will imply the same of your work.

Photography Logo

4. Keep legibility in mind (especially in regard to shifting scale)

You logo will be used on a variety of marketing materials Opens a new window. Therefore, you want to make sure it looks as good on a billboard as it does on a business card or website. The surest way of achieving this goal is to keep all the elements as clean and simple as possible. When you create photography logos, always remember that your finished design may end up being reduced to the size of a quarter. So don’t worry about spending time on intricate details. Save that for your work!

Photography Logo