Promote Your Business With These 6 Effective Social Media Trends

As a small business owner, you wear many hats. One of those hats is that of a marketing professional. To be an effective marketer, social media ought to be part of your marketing strategy.

Find out how to grow your social media presence and promote your business with these six social media trends.

1. The continued popularity of Facebook

Did you know that 41 percent of millennials check Facebook daily? The percentage of non-millennials using Facebook is even higher. Far from becoming outdated, Facebook has improved its offerings and mimicked some of the interesting features of Instagram, Snapchat, and similar services. Users can talk live to their friends and followers, and they can share memories as well.

Add interesting photos of key moments in the life of your business, and you’ll be able to go back and share those memories in a year or so, giving your loyal clients that priceless feeling of nostalgia.

2. The appeal of disappearing media

The idea of content that is temporary and fleeting, something that’s there in the moment and then gone forever, is catching on with younger social media users. If you serve a group of customers who are 18-24 or younger, think about incorporating some Snapchat content into your marketing strategy.

Snapchat also offers a Selfie Lens tool, which allows users to present themselves to the world in an altered, more entertaining way. The kind of video-selfie animation offered by Snapchat may not be something you want to use regularly, but it can be a fun twist to your regular marketing strategies.

3. A craving for privacy

A myriad of apps and programs track customers’ activity, and people are getting tired of it. Make sure your services and products are built to ensure your clients’ privacy and security. Reassure them that you take their concerns seriously, whether you’re interacting with them on social media or urging them to try your business’s new app.

4. The rise in “fake news”

There’s a disturbing rise in the number of people publishing false news online. If you re-Tweet, share, or post an article that isn’t original content, be sure that you obtain it from a reliable, reputable source. Social media users place a premium on honesty and reliability, and they will appreciate your efforts to pass on verified, accurate bits of news that are pertinent to their lives.

5. The desire for real-time, real-life connections

Closely related to that craving for honesty is the new trend of sharing events in real time. Facebook Live is just one of many ways that you can show your customers the unfiltered truth of your products and your business.

Twitter’s Periscope is another venue for this kind of personal connection with your customer base, and rumor has it that Instagram is prepping for their own live streaming capability. Think about sharing the history of your company with viewers via live stream, or showing them how you make your products in real time.

6. The assistance of chatbots

Did you know that Facebook now has a chatbot feature integrated within Facebook Messenger? A chatbot is an artificial intelligence tool that you can use to communicate with customers.

It allows you to keep customers engaged in the moment, serving their needs more quickly and efficiently. Check out all the interesting tasks that chatbots can complete for you, and consider how they might serve your business, help your customers, and save you money.

Social media can be a vast and complex place for a small business just starting out. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, just start with one social media channel and focus on providing superb content and gaining followers. Later on, you can expand to additional channels.

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