Create a Automotive Logo Design

Thousands of automotive logo ideas with our free logo maker

Automotive Logo

Why Use FreeLogoServices

  • Trusted - Used by more than 100,000 satisfied customers
  • Quality - We use award winning professional logo designers
  • Easy & Fast - Simple 3 step design process that takes minutes
  • Try It Free - Customize a free logo design & pay $40.00 for unlimited use
  • Large Selection - Choose from 1000's of graphics and types of free logos

How It Works

  • 1) Enter Logo Text
    Enter the text you would like in your logo
  • 2) Choose a Design
    Browse 1000's of graphics & types of free logos by industry
  • 3) Customize Your Logo
    Select colors, text, etc. for your logo
  • 4) Save & Download
    Save your logo. For unlimited use purchase the source files for $40.00

Make an Automotive Logo in Minutes

Design a logo for your automobile business in order to improve your brand’s visibility. Whether you sell new or used cars, repair cars, restore cars or race cars for a living, we have a logo that will work best for your company. Our high-quality automotive logo designs will ensure that customers immediately identify with your brand and understand what auto services you provide.

Your free automotive logo design is the first thing people will see when they are considering doing business with you. Whether it's your letterhead, business cardsOpens a new window or even your envelope, your free automotive logo design will communicate that you are credible, trustworthy, and professional.

Use Our Logo Creator to Design an Automotive Logo

The image you portray is a compilation of all your marketing materials, starting with your logo. It should reflect who you are and what you strive to become. The colors, icons, font, and layout you choose will all play an integral role in how customers remember your brand.

In order to create a logo that’s perfect for your automotive business, you will need a reliable logo maker tool that provides a variety of customized options. Below are questions to help you get started on the logo design process.

1. What do you specialize in?

You work in the automobile industry, but what services that you provide make you stand out against your competitorsOpens a new window? If your auto shop is full service, then perhaps it is best to include an image of a wrench along with a car in your logo. If you race cars, try including a race flag. Sell tires only? Search our extensive database of logos for tire icons.

2. What type of logo appeals to you?

What kind of logo comes to mind when you envision your business name up on your automotive shop? Do you like the look of badge logos? What about vintage or retro logos? You can also just opt for a wordmark (text only) or text and icon logo. With our free logo maker, you can create as many different styles of automotive logosOpens a new window as you want -- just pay for the one you love the most.

3. What font does your business name look best in?

The type of font you choose for your automotive logo is just as important as the color and style. Our logo design tool houses hundreds of different fonts that you can change at any point during your logo design process. Choose from popular font typesOpens a new window such as Helvetica, Gotham, Future, and Franklin Gothic for both your business name and slogan. Be sure to take into account how the font will look from a distance, or on promotional products such as mugs and t-shirts.

4. What colors are associated with your industry?

This is a great opportunity to scope out your competitors. What colors have they chosen in their business logo? Don’t forget to talk to friends, customers, and employees about what colors they associate with the automotive industry. Oranges, reds, grays, black, and other dark hues work well on an automobile-related logo.