Create a Free Christian Logo Design

Thousands of Christian logo ideas with our logo maker

Christian Logo

Why Use FreeLogoServices

  • Trusted - Used by more than 100,000 satisfied customers
  • Quality - We use award winning professional logo designers
  • Easy & Fast - Simple 3 step design process that takes minutes
  • Try It Free - Customize a free logo design & pay $40.00 for unlimited use
  • Large Selection - Choose from 1000's of graphics and types of free logos

How It Works

  • 1) Enter Logo Text
    Enter the text you would like in your logo
  • 2) Choose a Design
    Browse 1000's of graphics & types of free logos by industry
  • 3) Customize Your Logo
    Select colors, text, etc. for your logo
  • 4) Save & Download
    Save your logo. For unlimited use purchase the source files for $40.00

Convey your faith through a meaningful Christian logo

Whether used for your church, a specific branch of ministry, or just a personal testament of faith, a Christian logo is the fastest way to impart your message to a broad audience. Incorporating a range of traditional symbols, it has also become popular for its ability to distinguish one denomination from another.

But constructing it effectively can be tricky.

From business to personal use, most logos share one thing in common: the necessity for clarity. Often achieved through simplicity of logo design, strong elements are used to create a unified message that is both memorable and persuasive. Reflecting the values and message of its target audience as well as the community it services, a strong Christian logo is far more personal than that of a Fortune 500 company, but not all that different in its design. Here’s what to keep in mind when creating yours.

A testament in words and images

In the past, the concept of branding hasn’t been readily associated with churches, youth groups and other Christian organizations due largely to its connection with business practices and profitability. But more and more, modern Christians and related groups are relying on this essential marketing tool to get their message out.

Bridging the gap between personal image and meaningful substance, the following trends are among the current best practices for Christian logo design:

1. Clear Identity

Christian groups and similar religious organizations inspire a strong sense of identity. Simply put, they provide something to believe in. As a result, images used within the design of a Christian logo often include a cross, hands, doves, clouds, stairs and similar imagery that connect people with iconic Christian metaphors. Keep in mind: a well-designed Christian logo serves as not only an identifier but also as a symbol your audience can readily associate with their faith.

2. Professional appearance

No matter how trendy your particular branch of faith, most Christian logos maintain a minimal level of professionalism in line with their specific ministry. The first step in this process is to use quality graphics, thereby avoiding the look of an amateur appearance. In addition, you should always keep the full spectrum of your audience in mind, integrating words and images that will appeal to young people as well as older church members or similar individuals.

3. Tailored to specifics

If you pay attention to popular national brands, you’ll notice many of them have unique logos that they use for humanitarian initiatives and other undertakings outside the umbrella of the core brand. Though similar to the main logo, these subsets often contain different wording, colors or a focus on a specific aspect of the primary logo. By imitating this practice, your Christian logo can easily tie in to a major ministry or religious affiliation while still remaining separate from it. This practice is ideal for youth groups, church-sponsored daycare, summer bible camps and other programs run through churches and similar Christian organizations.

4. Adherence to the basics of design

When examining a logo that catches your eye, you’ll almost always find the following four traits: it’s easily describable, instantly memorable, equally effective in color or black and white, and easily scalable. These basics of design ensure your Christian logo will stick in the minds of those who see it and also enable you to use it within almost any medium – from a newspaper ad to the side of a church building.